1) Is it possible to take a Windows cursor (theme) and convert it to a CursorFX theme?

2) How is this done, assuming the answer to #1 is a "Yes"?

The Windows cursor that I want to convert consists of 4 animated (.ani) files and the rest standard (.cur) files. The reason for wanting to do this is so I can take advantage of the Options available in CursorFX, e.g., shadow, sounds, trails, sizing, etc.


on Oct 31, 2008

I don't know that I understand. You want to apply a Windows cursor with CursorFX instead of using Windows and disabling CursorFX instead? I'm not sure you can break down the files in such a mannor as you would need the animation strips to load it into CursorFX. Please clarify for me if I have gotten this wrong.

on Oct 31, 2008

you'd have to take the .ani and extract the frames, then put them back together in a strip


you can open the .cur in a graphics that can handle it and save as png

on Oct 31, 2008


Methinks you understood what I want to do... take a regular cursor (set) and convert it to a CursorFX Theme. I can do #2, convert the .cur files to .png easy enough, but I'm not sure what you mean in regard to the .ani files by "put them back together in a strip"? I can open the .ani files I think? in Animation Shop, perhaps not. I haven't tried that yet. What program would you recommend to do what you said to do with the .ani files? And of course, what does one do with this "strip" thereafter?

on Nov 01, 2008

don't have cursorfx but guessing its similar to cursorxp

the ani is stacked more like a gif

cursorxp uses the frames set next to each other - hence 'strip' - like animation shop when you're working on it


if cursorfx isn't that far off from xp, you should be able to rename the extension so you can see how the graphics look


with animation shop you can open the ani, select all, save frames as and export the separate frames

if you have dtx you might have aniutil (if not, do a forum search for it and you'll find a link) which you can use to put the frames together in a strip (dtx also uses strips) - the old cursorxp how to page also had a link


then again, like I said I don't have fx, so I could be way off

on Nov 01, 2008

And of course, what does one do with this "strip" thereafter?


if it's the plus version it should be similar to xp plus version

when i open configure, i can click a configure button on the top half of the window, then click a configure button on the bottom of the next window, then i get options to import graphics and set things like number of frames and frame rate (or use a script)

on Nov 01, 2008


if it's the plus version it should be similar to xp plus version

when i open configure, i can click a configure button on the top half of the window, then click a configure button on the bottom of the next window, then i get options to import graphics and set things like number of frames and frame rate (or use a script)

Okay, thanks for all the information. I was able to follow your destructions quite easily, but I obviously didn't do something right. I opened all the regular .cur files in PSP XII and exported them as transparent .png files. I then opened all the .ani files in Animation Shop, selected all (frames), used "Save frames as" and selected .png file type. I then used AniUtil to convert the individual files to one .png file. Lastly, I imported each file to its respective CursorFX counterpart and saved it. None of the animated images are displayed and the "Standard" image is not what it should be. Dunno if its worth messing with this much more.

on Nov 01, 2008
I'm outta guesses this help any?: https://www.stardock.com/products/cursorfx/help/table_of_contents.htm | | | --->> https://www.stardock.com/products/cursorfx/help/editor.htm#CursorFX_Theme_Editor
on Nov 18, 2008

Well, I wanted to get back to you to let you know that I finally was successful in converting my favorite old cursor to a CursorFX theme. It took quite a bit of trial & error fooling around with formats to get things right, but it all worked out just dandy.

Thanks for your getting me on the right track.

on Nov 18, 2008